How Scots pronounce Bicket(t), Becket(t), and Bichan

How Scots pronounce Bicket(t), Becket(t), and Bichan

We sometimes wonder why our surname is spelled so many different ways.  Hearing how our surnames are pronounced by Scots, and how they may be heard by non-Scots (perhaps you the listener) may help with understanding what can happen.


Below are three recordings below of Scots speaking the words ‘Bicket(t)’ and ‘Becket(t)’.  You be the judge of what you hear.

Bicket-Becket pronunciations at Bickethall

Bicket-Becket pronunciations by three Scots

Bicket-Becket pronunciations w David Bicket of Kilwinning


The genetic branch of the tree which went to Orkney took on the spelling Bichan.  Even this has different pronunciations by people who have the name.  Here is a recording by an Orkney Bichan (Kay Morgan nee Bichan) giving her surname as pronounced differently by Orkney Bichans and New Zealand Bichans.

Bichan pronunciation in Orkney vs New Zealand